Early in the morning on 19th January the aurora was still visible in the sky to at least 08:28 UTC, thanks to the long hours of darkness in Iceland at this time of year. In the evening, we saw aurora at 20:35 UTC and stayed out until 21:55, although the aurora was still ongoing when we went home. During the early portion of this period there was actually weak (to the eye) aurora overhead and in a band to around 75 deg height in a southerly direction, as well as the bright band low in the north. It is not too often I have seen aurora south of my location this season, so this was noteworthy. After 21:26 UTC all activity was in a northerly direction and mostly consisted of a moderate brightness band of aurora low in the north at between 15 and 25 degrees for the main band.
We went home at 21:55 UTC and there was still weak aurora in the north at that time. As expected, activity continued through the night, and there was an aurora arc still visible in the northern sky when I checked again in the morning at 07:45 UTC on the 20th.

Image 2. 20:58 UTC. Taken at: ISO = 1600, f/2.8 @ 14 mm, exposure = 17 sec. Looking east/south-east.