Activity was relatively low this evening, but there were beautiful clear skies which allowed me lovely views of a nice green aurora low on the northern horizon (15 to 30 deg) from 21:50 UTC on the 10th through to 00:15 UTC on the 11th (after which I went home due to the sub-zero temperatures, but the aurora was still in view).
Image 1 shows the aurora as it appeared at 22:42 and stayed very similar for most of the evening, as a green arc low in the sky. Occasionally some isolated taller rays could be seen briefly over the top of the mountain reaching around 40 deg in height (Image 2), but they were momentary and quickly disappeared again. Activity was mostly quite weak, but it was still readily-discernible to the eye and on the camera it was noticeably green and with faint purple ray tops (Image 3).
From 23:23 the activity increased a little to moderate and became a more vivid green to the naked eye with a bright green arc reaching around 30 degrees (Image 4). This arc took on a rayed structure between 23:37 and 00:10, with intensity varying along the band (Images 5 to 7). After this it weakened again and I headed home to warm up!

Image 1. 22:42 UTC. Taken at: ISO = 1600, f/2.8 @ 14 mm, exposure = 14 sec. Looking north/north-west.

Image 2. 22:50 UTC. Taken at: ISO = 1600, f/2.8 @ 14 mm, exposure = 13 sec. Looking north/north-east.

Image 5. 23:39 UTC. Taken at: ISO = 1600, f/2.8 @ 14 mm, exposure = 21 sec. Looking north/north-east.