There was a decent spell of aurora activity early in the evening that was observed from Scotland but largely hidden from view in Reykjavik area due to heavy clouds. Fortunately I got a glimpse of green through a small gap in the clouds at 19:02 UTC, which was followed by a larger gap
Activity was relatively low this evening, but there were beautiful clear skies which allowed me lovely views of a nice green aurora low on the northern horizon (15 to 30 deg) from 21:50 UTC on the 10th through to 00:15 UTC on the 11th (after which I went home due to the sub-zero tempe
Below are a few pictures from a spell of aurora activity between 21:15 and 22:05 UTC on a very clear evening. Activity this night was mostly moderate, although there was a period of activity between 21:09 and 21:35 that was much stronger with bright greens to the eye and several bands
It was very cloudy this evening with some big snow clouds rushing across the sky, but during some gaps between 22:14 and 23:07 UTC I had some tantalising glimpses of the aurora. There was a low arc in the northern sky that was green to the eye and mostly to around 30 degrees above the
There was a good display this evening with miraculously clear skies! The aurora was visible immediately after it became dark, with a faint band visible in the northern sky from 18:05 UTC. However, the main event did not begin until after 21:00. There was a very bright moon this evenin
This evening saw the return of the solar wind from the earth-facing coronal hole on the sun that produced vivid aurora in Iceland between 7th and 10th November. There was an extremely bright full moon this evening and also the usual persistent cloud layer that limited what I was able
The show started very early tonight – there was a bright band of aurora visible in the north when I did a check at 19:30 UTC. By the time I was on site from 19:45, a bright green band was present to the eye at around 45 degrees, with purple ray tops visible on the camera (Image
There was a nice bright green arc of aurora visible at around 40 degrees altitude to the north when I did a quick check outside at 21:40 UTC. However, on such a cold and windy evening it took some time to put on sufficient clothes so as not to freeze outside, and by the time I reached
I was fortunate to have a short view of a nice auroral display this evening, when the snow clouds cleared for a short while just after 22:30 UTC. At this time a bright band of aurora was visible in the cloud gaps, already at around 60 degrees above the horizon in the northern sky. Ima
At 20:50 UTC a weak auroral arc was visible to the north, appearing pale to the eye and a light green colour on camera. We drove to our location for the evening and Image 1 below was taken on arrival at the site, showing a green band to around 30 degrees with purple ray tops visible o