A weak aurora this evening, which I first observed from the presence of some isolated rays hanging in the sky to the north above the mountain at 22:51. The sky was still influenced by twilight at this time, and a vivid blue in the photograph (Image 1). Some paler streaks of aurora were also visible in the sky above the rays, but were faint and difficult to distinguish from the twilight.
From 23:00 to 23:04 a low (35 deg) and moderate-intensity rayed arc appeared briefly in the north-west, and there were still vertical streaks high in the sky that were faint against the twilight (Image 2).
Some faint striated aurora appeared to the east from 23:04 and remained there until I went home at 23:58, predominantly staying a whitish-green to the eye but fairly vivid green on camera (Image 3). From 23:30 a separate rayed band appeared in the north-east and was a moderate intensity with a small amount of movement and nice purple tops to the rays on camera (Image 4) which extended occasionally up to 60 degrees in height.